Seed, Fertiliser & Crop Protection | Provided by


Who we are

Hinterland has a team of input marketers who specialise in assisting producers with their direct input purchases such as seed, chemicals, fuel and fertiliser. These input marketers work closely with producers as business partners in the agricultural market.

What we offer

These input marketers work closely with Agri Credit Solution's agri finance managers to provide support and guidance to producers in order to make informed decisions about their finances and the use of input products. Additionally, the input marketers assist producers in managing their total credit facilities with ACS.

More on Financing

Partnering Brands

Products and Services


Hinterland stocks maize seed from Dekalb, Pannar and Pioneer, sunflower seed from Pannar and Pioneer and wheat seed from Syngenta and Pannar. Additionally, they supply soybean seed from Agricol, Pannar and Pioneer based on orders.


Hinterland stocks Gavilon fertiliser and provides financing, through Agri Credit Solutions, for fertilisers supplied by major brands such as Omnia, Kynoch and Yara.

Crop Protection

Hinterland, through Agri Credit Solutions, finances products from all the major crop protection companies such as Laeveld Agrochem and InteliGro.

Get in touch

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We take pride in being a trusted provider of essential agricultural inputs to farmers across our area of operation.

  • Seed
  • Fertiliser
  • Crop Protection

Seed and Fertiliser


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