Agricultural Economics | Provided by

Senwes Financial Risk Control

Who we are

The agricultural economics department aims to improve the financial feasibility and sustainability of farming operations, and to ensure that they are well-equipped to manage economic challenges and seize growth opportunities.

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What we offer

The agricultural economics team assists farmers with, among other things, agricultural economic studies, mechanisation planning, and operational branch analyses, as well as the interpretation of financial results of farming units.

Products and Services

Our Partners

JDI, a subsidiary of Senwes with the Tomlinson family as a shareholder, expands Senwes Equipment's geographical footprint by providing agri-equipment and maintenance solutions in the Western and Eastern Cape.

Staalmeester, another subsidiary of Senwes, has the Coetzee family as a shareholder and they broaden Senwes Equipment's product offerings by manufacturing and importing agricultural equipment for small and medium-sized producers whilst, Falcon (another Senwes subsidiary) further increasing Senwes Equipment's competitive edge in the agri-sector by manufacturing and distributing tractor-drawn implements and parts to the South African and sub-Saharan agricultural and turf markets,

Our Brand

Products and Services

Farm Management Analysis

Evaluates financial performance and technical efficiency to improve farm sustainability. Key components include:

Profitability Analysis

Identifies break- even points, compares them with other farmers, and assesses branch profitability to optimise farm operations and manage risks.

Efficiency Analysis

Measures return on capital, profit margins, debt burden, and labour/ mechanisation efficiency, helping to identify areas for improvement.

With the Senwes E-Bureau, you can make informed decisions to boost efficiency, profitability, and long-term farming success.


Die Senwes E-Buro doen winsgewendheidsanalises op gewas- en veevertakkings. Dit behels die vasstel van gelykbreekpunte van elke vertakking en die vergelyking daarvan met ander boere. Die winsgewendheid van elke vertakking word ook geëvalueer om te bepaal of hulle optimaal benut word in die boerdery. Die geïdentifiseerde gelykbreekpunte en tendense kan vervolgens gebruik word om graanpryse te bestuur en risiko's te verminder.


Die Senwes E-Buro bied 'n reeks dienste om die doeltreffendheid van jou boerdery te help optimaliseer. Dit sluit in die ontleding van die opbrengs op jou boerdery se kapitaal, die handhawing van positiewe winsmarges, die evaluering van die kritiese skuldlas en die meting van die produktiewe aanwending van kapitaal in jou boerdery.

Die E-Buro bied ook arbeidsontleding, wat insig gee in die effektiewe benutting van arbeid op jou plaas. Boonop kan meganisasiedoeltreffendheid met medeboere vergelyk word om areas vir verbetering te help identifiseer en dit verhoog jou plaas se algehele doeltreffendheid.

Met die Senwes E-Buro kan jy ingeligte besluite neem en proaktiewe stappe in plek sit om jou boerdery se doeltreffendheid, winsgewendheid en langtermynsukses te verbeter.

Accounting Support

The accounting support team plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate financial record-keeping for farmers. Enhance the financial success of your farm with our specialised accounting support and programme services, specifically tailored to your business needs.

By utilising the latest software, you can maintain up-to-date financial data, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning for the future of your farm. Our goal within the Agricultural Economics department is to improve the financial feasibility and sustainability of our farmers' operations, and to ensure that they are well-equipped to navigate economic challenges and seize growth opportunities.

Mechanisation Planning

Mechanisation planning ensures a farm's specific needs are met by determining economical and efficient combinations of tractors and implements, considering labour and capital replacement.

Agricultural Economic Studies and Risk Management

  • Financial feasibility
  • Financial risk carrying capacity
  • Determination of minimum farming unit and break-even turnover
  • Determine break-even grain price
  • Capital Expansion / Enterprise diversification, and investment decision
  • Farming restructuring
  • Calculation of productive land values

Get in touch

Need someone to contact you?

For personalised and professional farm management analysis and support, contact the Senwes E-Bureau today.

Farm Management Analyses
Accounting Support
Mechanisation Planning
Agricultural Economic Studies and Risk Management
Send us a Voice NoteIt's all about convenience and efficiency.

Agricultural Economists
