AgriRewards+ Rules

Terms and Conditions

Donations to farmers Associations

The Senwes Group implemented the Senwes Group Loyalty Bonus Scheme (“the Scheme”) known as AgriRewards with the aim to create and sustain long-term relationships with the Senwes Group Customers by rewarding them regularly for the business with the Group, thereby enhancing the customer relationship.

Senwes as a role-player in the agricultural sector with a presence and nearly 300 business units throughout South Africa and Europe is inundated with request for donations.

Unfortunately, it is not financially possible to comply with these requests. Accordingly, Senwes launched AgriRewards Plus (+) to assist the communities by using the Farmers Associations as a conduit to support and assist with the upliftment of local communities (for purposes of education, sport, care for the elderly, security etc.), and/or the establishment and improvement of critical infrastructure. The Farmers Associations are best suited to understand and grasp the challenges that their local communities are facing.

AgriRewards Plus is therefore the conduit for donations and with the assistance of the Farmers Associations provides a structured manner for the distribution of these donations.

  1. Definitions and interpretation
  2. In this Rules, the following words shall, unless otherwise stated or inconsistent with the context in which they appear, bear the following meanings and other words derived from the same origins as such words (that is, cognate words) shall bear corresponding meanings:

    1. “AgriRewards Member”, means registered Participants in the AgriRewards Scheme;
    2. “AgriRewards Scheme” means the Senwes Group Bonus Scheme for Customers of of the Senwes Group approved (and amended) from time to time by the Board, as provided in the AgriRewards Scheme Rules;
    3. “Contributions” means a percentage of its profits of participating member companies of business units in the AgriRewards Scheme (“Participating members”) to registered Farmers Associations;
    4. “Farmers Association”, means a voluntary association of Farmers with a collective purpose, and includes Farmers’study which members are registered AgriRewards Members and that is registered for AgriRewards Plus in terms of these Rules;
    5. “Qualifying Farmers Association” means a registered Farmers Association in terms of these Rules;
    6. “Senwes” means Senwes Limited, with registration number 1997/005336/06, a public company and include its subsidiaries, herein referred to also as the “Senwes Group”; and
    7. “Rules” means these Rules, which may be amended from time to time by Senwes in its sole discretion.
    8. The prevailing AgriRewards Bonus Scheme Rules in terms of definitions, disputes and general terms and conditions apply mutatis mutandis to AgriRewards Plus.

  1. Establishment of the Scheme
  2. The Senwes Group may annually contribute a percentage of its profits of Participating Members to Farmers Associations, whose members are registered AgriRewards Members, based on the Value of the Business done by the Farmers Association’s AgriRewards members with Participating Members in the Senwes Group.

    This cash benefit (Contribution) is funded by the Senwes Group and is in addition to current Allocations to AgriRewards members. These Contributions is determined at Senwes’ sole discretion based on the forecasted profits for a financial year and the availability of funds on an annual basis.

    AgriRewards+ provides a structured manner to channel donations to communities with the Farmers’ associations as the conduit.

    The Contributions is calculated on the Value of the Business done by the AgriRewards members of the Qualifying Farmers Association per annum.

    Application of Contributions and Rules

    The Senwes Group will make the Contribution to the qualifying Farmer’s Association. The Farmers Association decides in its sole discretion to apply the Contribution for any community or related social benefit initiatives such as infrastructure improvements or repairs, to donate to, or fund the church, school or old age home, or assistance with any other community upliftment or related project.

    The Contribution is made on the condition that:

    • Senwes be afforded the opportunity to cover the event/donation that is provided and publish the event/donation on different media and social platforms; and
    • Representatives of the Senwes Group be invited for a business-related discussion/meeting with the Farmers’ Association at least once per financial year.
    1. The Value of the Business done with the Senwes Group during each month will be used to calculate the accrued Contributions and will be accounted for separately from the AgriRewards benefits for each AgriRewards Member;
    2. A minimum amount of R1 000,00 (one thousand Rand) must be available as a Contribution to the credit of the Farmers Association before application may be made for payment;
    3. Should the accrued annual Contribution per Farmers Association be below R10 000,00 (ten thousand Rands) as a result of the Value of the Business done, or any related reason in a particular area, an amount of R10 000,00 (ten thousand Rands) is available annually, at the sole discretion of Senwes, to add to the accrued Contribution to the Farmers Association;
    4. AgriRewards members may amend and nominate another Farmers Association to receive his/her Contribution annually only between the period May to July;
    5. In the event that a reversal of Allocation is made to the accrued Allocation of a AgriRewards Members’ account, for whatsoever reason, the Contribution made to the Farmers Association shall be reversed as well.

  1. Registration
    1. Members of the Farmers Association must register for AgriRewards before they are able to participate in AgriRewards + if they are not yet registered for Agrirewards;
    2. AgriRewards Members may apply for registration of the Farmers’ Association with Senwes at or on the Senwes app (Android and iOS).

  1. To apply for payment of the Contribution
    1. Payment of accrued Contribution amounts shall be made subject to:

    2. The availability of at least an amount of R1 000,00 (one thousand Rand) to the credit of the Farmers Association;
    3. That the Farmers Association opened a vendor account at Senwes and provided the designated bank account and required FICA documents for the payment of the Contribution;
    4. That the Farmers Association applied in writing by e-mail to the AgriRewards + team for payment:
    5. The verification of the accrued Allocations of AgriRewards Members.
    6. The verification of Contributions.
    7. In addition:

    8. A maximum of 50% (fifty percent) of the accrued Contribution shall be paid out to the Farmers Associations during the 1st year of AgriRewards+.
    9. Thereafter accrued contributions shall be paid out upon request and only once per annum (financial year) subject to these Rules.

5. AgriRewards Plus Team:

Senwes Corporate Marketing: Francois RedelinghuysMariette Hugo
Tel: 018 464 7327Tel: 018 464 7505
Cell: 072 689 9113Cell: 076 412 9756
E-mail: [email protected]E-mail: [email protected]

6. Communication to Participants and Members

The terms and provisions determined by the Board as provided for in clauses 2.2 shall be communicated to Scheme Members and Participants in the most appropriate manner as the Board may determine from time to time.

7. Prevailing legislation and Terms of Use

It is hereby recorded that Scheme Members and Participants:

7.1 Shall be required to comply with prevailing legislation from time to time and more specifically shall be

required to provide "know your client information" as required and defined in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act no 38 of 2001, as amended from time to time;


7.2 shall be required to elect to participate in the Scheme on a voluntary basis by accesing

 and accepting the Scheme Rules and the Terms of Use before being able to become a Scheme member or a Participant.



AgriRewards Plus Rules

The donation will be made to a registered farmers’ association which will decide how to apply the donation, i.e. to donate to or fund the local church, school or old age home or other sponsorships.

How does the farmers’ association qualify for the donation and what are the rules?
  1. Individual members of the farmers’ association must register or be registered for AgriRewards before they are able to participate in AgriRewards Plus.
  2. Register your farmers’ association with Senwes at or on the Senwes app.
  3. Business done with Senwes during each month will be used to calculate the accrued donation and will be accounted for separately from the AgriRewards benefits for each member.
  4. The farmers’ association decides in its sole discretion to apply the cash donation for any community or related initiatives, provided that Senwes be afforded the opportunity to cover the event/donation that is provided and publish the event/donation on different media and social platforms.
  5. If there are more than one farmers’ association that qualifies for the donation, the donation will be shared pro rata.
  6. Besides the accrued benefits a minimum amount of R10 000 (ten thousand) is available annually for a donation to a registered farmers’ association.
  7. Representatives of the Senwes Group must be invited for a business-related discussion/meeting with the farmers’ association at least once per year. and no warranties in this regard are given.
How does the farmers’ association get the donation?

Upon written application to the AgriRewards Plus team the accrued donations shall be paid to the famers’ association. Applications for donations may only be made every six (6) months or twice a year.

The prevailing AgriRewards scheme rules in terms of definitions, disputes and general terms and conditions apply mutatis mutandis to AgriRewards+.
