Kleinhandeloplossings | Verskaf deur

Hinterland & KLK

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Wie ons is

Hinterland en KLK Landbou is albei kleinhandelbesighede wat spesialiseer in die voorsiening van insetprodukte vir verskeie boerderypraktyke. Hinterland bestaan uit die Senwes Village en Suidwes kleinhandeltakke, terwyl KLK Landbou kleinhandeltakke en Build It-winkels bedryf.

Takke KLK-Webwerf

Wat ons bied

Beide maatskappye streef daarna om produsente met hoë gehalte insetprodukte, soos dieregesondheidsprodukte, veevoer, besproeiingstoerusting en brandstof, te bemagtig. Boonop bied hulle 'n wye reeks geriefsprodukte aan die algemene publiek, insluitend hardeware en selfdoen-produkte.

Produkte & Dienste

Tariewe, Ooreenkomste en Voorwaardes

Die volgende opsies, tariewe, ooreenkomste en voorwaardes is van toepassing op klante:

2024/25 Saad voorraad: Hinterland Bergingooreenkooms

Business Unit Contact Details

Certisure Head Office

Klerksdorp Other Business Units


Bloemfontein Other Business Units


Wolmaransstad Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Bloemfontein Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Bloemhof Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Boshof Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Bothaville Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Christiana Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Hartbeesfontein Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Heilbron Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Hertzogville Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Hoopstad Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Koppies Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Leeudoringstad Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Louwna Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Makwassie Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Migdol Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Petrusburg Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Potchefstroom Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Schweizer-Reneke Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Stella Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Tosca Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Ventersdorp Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Viljoenskroon Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Vryburg Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Wesselsbron (F124) Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Wesselsbron (F555) Other Business Units

Hinterland Fuels

Wolmaransstad Other Business Units

Hinterland Head Office

Klerksdorp Other Business Units

Hinterland Kiosk

Hoopstad Other Business Units

Hinterland Kiosk

Potchefstroom Other Business Units


Lichtenburg Meg (V019) Other Business Units


Potchefstroom Other Business Units


Askham Other Business Units


Hotazel Other Business Units


Noenieput Other Business Units


Postmasburg (Build-it) Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Aliwal North/Noord Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Kroonstad Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Ugie Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Bloemfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Bloemhof Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Bothaville Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Christiana Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Hartbeesfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Heilbron Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Hertzogville Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Hoopstad Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Koppies Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Kroonstad Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Leeudoringstad Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Migdol Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Petrusburg Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Potchefstroom Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Schweizer-Reneke Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Stella Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Ventersdorp Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Viljoenskroon Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Vryburg Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Wesselsbron Other Business Units

Senwes Equipment

Wesselsbron Sentrale Stoor Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Head Office

Klerksdorp Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Kruising Bunker

Hoopstad Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Misgunst Bunker

Bothaville Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Sakdepot

Helpman Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Sakdepot

Poppieland Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Allanridge Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Amalia Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Arlington Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Attie Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Bloemfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Bloemhof Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Bothaville - (A) - G221 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Bothaville - (B) - G222 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Brandfort Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Buckingham Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Bultfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Christiana Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

De Brug Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Dewetsdorp Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Enselspruit Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Geneva Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Gottenburg Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Groenebloem Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hallatshope Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hartbeesfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hartswater Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Heilbron Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Henneman Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hertzogville Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Heuningspruit Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hoogte Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Hoopstad Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Kaalplaas Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Kameel Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Kingswood Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Kommandodrift Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Koppies Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Kroonstad Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Leeudoringstad Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Magogong Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Makokskraal Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Makwassie Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Melliodora Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Middelvlei Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Migdol Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Oberholzer Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Odendaalsrus Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Petrusburg Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Potchefstroom Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Protespan Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Raathsvlei Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Rooiwal Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Schoonspruit Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Schuttesdraai Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Schweizer-Reneke Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Strydpoort Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Tadcaster Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Theunissen Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Tierfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Ventersdorp Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Vierfontein Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Viljoenskroon Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Viljoenskroon - G266 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Vredefort Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Vryburg Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Weiveld Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Welgeleë Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Wesselsbron - (A) - G234 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Wesselsbron - (B) - G277 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Wesselsbron (C) - G235 Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Winburg Other Business Units

Senwes Grainlink Silo

Wolmaransstad Other Business Units


Klerksdorp - Civil Services Other Business Units


Klerksdorp - Uraniaville Other Business Units


Klerksdorp - Uraniaville Electrical Maintenance Other Business Units


Klerksdorp - Uraniaville Magasyn Other Business Units


Klerksdorp - Uraniaville Mechanical Maintenance Other Business Units


Kroonstad - Kroonstad West/Wes Other Business Units


Hartbeesfontein Other Business Units

Univision Head Office

Klerksdorp Other Business Units

Bestuur jou Hinterland PIN, Hinterland Fuels Rekening en ACS Rewards:

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Produkte en Dienste

Winkel, Werf en Stoor

Hinterland is 'n toonaangewende kleinhandelsbesigheid en bied 'n diverse reeks produkte. Vanuit hul winkels diens Hinterland klante met 'n wye verskeidenheid items wat ondermeer dieresorgprodukte, kampeer- en buitelugtoerusting, klere en skoene, selfdoengereedskap, tuinbenodigdhede, huishoudelike benodigdhede, besproeiingsoplossings, meganisasietoerusting en PPE vir veiligheid en sekuriteit, insluit. Daarbenewens bied Hinterland se werf- en stoorafdeling veevoere, boumateriaal, heinings en staal, gas, hout, steenkool, smeermiddels, mieliemeel, tenks en krippe, behandelde pale, toedraai- en verpakkingsmateriaal, gewasbeskermingsprodukte, kunsmis en saad.

In die mark vir wapens en ammunisie?

Hinterland, deur hul vennootskap met Dave Sheer, bied 'n wye verskeidenheid van wapens en ammunisie om jou behoeftes te pas. Lees meer oor die vennootskap.

Volg Hinterland op sosiale media:

Agricultural retail branches and Build-It stores

KLK Handel bedryf 'n netwerk van 19 kleinhandelstakke wat strek oor 'n wye geografiese gebied vanaf Pofadder in die weste tot Kuruman in die ooste en vanaf Rietfontein in die noorde to by Calvinia in die suide. Benewens het hulle ook vier Build It-boumateriaalkonsessies in Upington, Kathu, Kuruman en Postmasburg. Vir kliënte in Calvinia is daar die gerief van 'n Build It-afdeling in die winkel beskikbaar. Die nuutste toevoeging is KLK Pet World in Kathu

KLK Handel verstaan die uiteenlopende behoeftes van produsente, landboudeskundiges en die gemeenskappe waarin hul sake dryf en daarom is hul handelstakke goed toegerus met 'n omvattende reeks landbouprodukte.


Ons help graag

Wat is jou behoefte?

Van dieregesondheidsprodukte tot selfdoengereedskap, het ons alles wat jy nodig het om jou boerdery te ondersteun.

  • Dieresorgprodukte en veevoer
  • Doen-dit-selfprodukte
  • Besproeiingsprodukte
  • PPE- en veiligheidstoerusting